Nothing says South East Queensland like a BBQ. Friends, food, and fire come together and you can catch up with old friends over a piece of a juicy steak in your well-manicured lawn or garden. However, it is not always sunshine and rainbows especially if you are the one who is often hosting these parties because you are left with a lot of dirty work to do and one of the most toughest tasks is having to keep up with your BBQ cleaning.
Fortunately, we are here to make such tasks a walk in the park and with the rundown of outdoor grill cleaning tips below then you can look forward towards BBQ parties in your home again.
Vinegar has been referred to as the liquid with 101 uses. Besides salad dressings and spicing up food, it is an efficient dirt and stain remover which will make cleaning your grill an easy task. All you need is white table vinegar, lukewarm water, aluminium foil and on top of it all, a spray bottle and you are good to go.
With the items ready here is how you go about the outdoor cleaning -
- Add two cups of the white table vinegar into the spray bottle then add two cups of water.
- Seal the spray bottle and then shake the mixture vigorously.
- Spray the solution on the racks of your grill to saturation and let the solution soak for ten minutes
- Fold the aluminium foil into a two-inch small square shape
- Lastly, spray the vinegar on the foil and use it as the scrubber for your grill.
You do not need to rinse and once you finish these steps then your BBQ will be ready to go!
Vinegar has 101 uses but baking powder is the mother of all life hack substances as it has 1001 uses and cleaning your grill is one of them. This method helps you clean your grill grates and leaves them looking as good as new. What you need is baking powder, vinegar, and a large plastic bag and should be done overnight -
- Mix one cup of white table vinegar and a cup of baking powder in a dish then stir
- Take your plastic bag (big enough for the grill grates to fit) put the grates inside and pour the solution you created in step one but be sure to pour it on the racks
- Close the bag and leave it overnight as doing so gives time for the solution to loosen the dirt
- In the morning, all you need to do is rinse your grill grates with a lot of water and it will be left looking spotlessly clean. If there is any grime residue remaining in the morning a grill brush will be the only tool needed to remove it because it has already loosened up. Also, keep in mind that mixing vinegar and baking powder causes fizzling so that should not alarm you and also ensure that you mix it in a big dish to prevent it from spilling.
You don’t have to keep on leaving your grill looking filthy at the end of the day because there are things you can do to prevent buildup and create an easy time for yourself during cleaning. Below are a few:
- Grease the grill grates with cooking oil before the cooking kicks off
- Scrubbing the grates with a raw onion before you start will also work
- After the cooking, you can again use a raw piece of a sliced onion to scrub or use a grill brush (without bristles) to scrape your hot grates to remove any stubborn dirt residues. Plus doing so helps prevent foul smells and ensure that your grill remains in tip-top shape
With time saving solutions like vinegar and baking powder, outdoor grill cleaning shouldn’t be as hard as people make it look. You can now proudly accept to be the host for your next party without having to worry about the condition of your BBQ because the above tips will help you keep it spotless clean in readiness for your next gathering.